Keep your email address private

Spammers can get your email address from websites, social media and internet forums. Think twice before making your email address public.

Opt out of marketing updates

When you complete a form or buy something online, untick the box that asks if you want to receive messages from the company

Block the senders

To block a single sender:

  1. Go to Telstra Mail
  2. Log in using your Telstra email address and password  
  3. Select Settings on the top right of the screen 
  4. Select Mail on the left-hand menu 
  5. Select Blocked Senders on the sub menu
  6. In the pop-up screen enter the email address you want to block
  7.  Select Add

Good to know

You can block every sender from a particular company by blocking its domain.

Use a spam filter

Telstra Mail has its own spam filter.

To set it up:

  1. Go to Telstra Mail
  2. Log in using your Telstra email address and password  
  3. Go to your Inbox and tick any spam emails
  4. Select  More in the top right corner 
  5. From the dropdown menu select More 
  6. Select Mark as Spam 

Good to know

  • The more you use the spam filter, the more accurate it becomes
  • Using the 'Mark as Spam' button doesn’t immediately block the sender. You may still get some emails from the sender as the filter refines its data.

Set up a rule to filter spam

You can send mail directly to the ‘Trash’ folder based on its subject or keywords.

 To set up a rule:

  1. Log in to Telstra Mail using your Telstra email address and password  

  2. Click Settings
  3. Select the Mail menu, then select Organise Inbox
  4. Select Add and enter a Rule Name
  5. Active will be ticked by default
  6. Select the action you want (eg: Move to Trash, or Delete permanently) from the drop-down menu
  7. Enter the criteria for your rule (eg: what’s in the subject, who’s Sender, what keywords it contains)
  8. Select Save

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